29 мая 2021

ROR - Nerfed Buttons got nerfed

 So, it happened. Addon Nerfed Buttons got disabled yesterday.

Another dick move at long run on ruining QoL stuff for players - what else I can say?

The thread

 What they actually did: every time core API function SetHotbarData() called while in combat - all skills got 3 sec GCD. This function places skill or item to the hotbar. More than that: even if you will put a skill on the hotmar manually while in combat, the result will be the same - 3 sec GCD.

This completely ruins the whole point of using this addon.

This addon were introduced first at Live game, long-long ago, prob in 2009 or even earlier. It never was touched at Live. Several years it wasn't touched at ROR too. For such long living addon it shouldn't be touched at all. Well, ROR devs has no care about players and live in their fairy world of ranked pvp 6vs6 matches, while actual players give not a single fuck about this ranked crap. Most players playing WAR, surprisingly, for massive open RVR. Or not so massive - small scaled or just ganking. Not for stupid mode, which pretends to be a cyber-sport, but would never be it - it's impossible to do without giving both sides the EQUAL conditions (weapons, skills etc)

And now, NB is gone.

Sure, there always were bads who cried "OMG I lost because he used NB", while actually they were too dumb to set it up for themselves and use it.

Ppl just didn't understand that skilled players ain't used this addon. Why? Simple: NB never allowed to skip final part of the skill animation and start to cast the next one. That's why skilled players were without NB, because at final part of one skill animation you can press another button and start to cast second skill - this wasn't possible with NB. 

NB was just a pure QoL stuff, especially for stupid and boring PVE.

Does it give advantage? Yes. But only above noobs, who didn't understand what they are even doing and removing NB wont help them either. Truly skilled players never struggled against NB users.

And yes, addons like AURA didn't do the same? That huge onscreen icon "PRESS THIS SKILL NOW" isn't an advantage? What a difference? Or Buffhead?

Classes like WE/WH, Sorc/BW, KOBS/Chosen, healers (true ones) were never really need of this addon, because they just didn't have too much (useful) buttons to press.

But classes with tons of skills (IB/BG) - what they will do? SH/SW, Magus/Engi, DPS-healers - this addon were useful for them either.

WAR is an oldschool game, where players have 30+ active skills. This kind of games ain't popular atm and for a reason - basically, bad game design. NB were able to fix that partially. 

Other oldschool game - WOW - still has similar addons, like GSE. Why? Because Blizzard has a respect to their players. Can't say the same about ROR devs.

Well, RIP NB, you served well to us for more than 10 years. GJ ROR devs, your actions on finally killing this game becomes more and more heavy - along with QoL stuff nerfs and crazy balance changes.



Just a 1 day were need to find a solution, lol, poor ROR-devs... There is bugs that exists for YEARS - is it really NB the best thing to focus on???

Well the block is easily bypassed by replacing line 128 in Nerfedbuttons.lua:

SetHotbarData(barSlot, chosenType, actionId) 

to this:

local actionBar = math.ceil(barSlot / 12)

local actionBarButton = barSlot - (actionBar - 1) * 12

WindowSetGameActionData("EA_ActionBar"..tostring(actionBar).."Action" ..tostring(actionBarButton).. "Action", chosenType, actionId, L"")

This makes NB work except the hotbar icon remains the same all the time.




They broke this fix either.

Well, dicks are always dicks...

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